IfA has an opportunity open for farms to become part of the Climate Farm Demo network.
Joining the network will give the opportunity to improve farm performance, to stay ahead of the curve as policy increasingly requires farms to demonstrate environmental benefits alongside food production, and to take a leading role in sharing knowledge and experience with the wider farming community.
What is Climate Farm Demo?
Climate Farm Demo is a European-wide project which will build a network of 1,500 climate demonstration farms, including 130 in the UK, to showcase best-practice in climate smart farming.
Demo farmers will receive support from a climate smart advisor, who will work with each participating farm to produce a climate adaption and mitigation plan which is tailored to the farm business.
Each participating farm will be supported to host demonstration events for the wider farming community, to share their experiences of implementing climate adaption and mitigation measures.
There will also be the opportunity to share insights and ideas with the network of demo farmers in farmer discussion groups.
Why become a demo farm?
The Climate Farm Demo network will enable farmers to identify how reducing emissions and sequestering carbon can improve the profitability of their farm business.
Joining the network will provide access to free, long-term advice from a climate smart advisor. When joining the network, each farm will establish a farm level benchmark for carbon emissions. The process of putting together and implementing a bespoke climate adaption and mitigation plan will provide opportunities to enhance technical aspects of farm management.
As well as finding practical ways to improve efficiency and profitability, joining the Climate Farm Demo network will provide an opportunity to prepare for the policy changes which are happening in UK agriculture, enabling participating farms to meet the environmental requirements which will be made of them both now and in the future.
In addition to learning from other farms in the network by attending demonstration events and online discussions, there will be the option for participating farmers to receive funded training to become a Climate Smart Advisor.
How to get involved?
If you are interested in joining the UK network of climate demo farms, contact us on climatesmartfarming@i4agri.org.
A member of the IfA team will then be in touch to talk to you about joining the network.